Word clouds are a clever way to show the relative importance of a collection of topics by representing the frequency of occurrence of a topic through the font size. The cloud below was made using wordle.net and contains a collection of topics from the book of Psalms. Click on the image for a larger version, although you still can’t see the smallest words. Some explanations follow.
The collection of words and their approximate frequency are listed below. This list is not exhaustive or researched in detail, just a quick concordance search on some clearly important or interesting terms. Some closely related terms are combined as noted in the list, including singular/plural and other combinations not all detailed.
The words:
- God (Lord, thee, thou, you): 1774
- Me (I,my): 1567
- Righteousness: 186
- God’s Law (words, commandments): 171
- Praise: 154
- Earth: 141
- Mercy (lovingkindmess): 124
- Singing: 110
- Sin (iniquity, transgression): 106
- Enemies: 105
- Wicked: 89
- Joy: 87
- Holy: 53
- Voice: 49
- Love: 44
- Pray: 37
- Cry: 29
- Strings (harp, psaltery): 27
- Meditate: 18
- Worship: 15
- Clean/Pure: 12
- Lift up hands: 6
- Trumpet: 4
- Percussion (timbral, symbols): 4
- Clap: 2
- Dance: 2
- Woodwinds: 1